I know a load of cigar bloggers provide rating numbers. I think it's a load of crap; Hugh Jass cigars don't need numbers. What the cigar is worth is inevitably up to you, the cigar consumer, not to some pretentious guy assigning value to a cigar that he had no hand in making.
Yet Another Hugh Jass Rant |
Yeah, certain cigar magazines have been pimping the concept that a true authority can quantify the value of a cigar. Then all the wannabes have to do the same, in order to appear to be discerning authorities in the craft of cigars. Of course, the rumors swirl that the ratings in the big mags aren't numbers based on the cigars themselves, but on the advertising budgets of the cigar makers. That's really beside the point. Cigars are a reality that transcends the numbers used to describe them.
If Pete Johnson or Carlito Fuente want to assign a number to a cigar, they will, and usually it's called the Wholesale Price. It's a ballpark number that factors in the cost and care to make the cigar and bring it to you wherever you are. The cigar shop owner add a number to that representing his cost, overhead and taxes. The final number is the one that shows up on your receipt at the cash register.
When you hit the cigar shop, the only numbers that are important are the digits on the bills, or card, in your wallet.
indeed, Mr. Jass. I suppose some people need to measure their satisfaction based upon other people's numbers. "The roar of the masses could be farts" D. Boon