Like anyone up on the times, I've joined Twitter, and in it found it to be mostly like watching press releases rolling in on a newsroom fax machine. While I have attempted some engagement and conversation via tweets, it just doesn't seem to be the generally accepted reality at all.
While it's commonly called 'social media' I'm more inclined to call it 'cult media'. In a social setting, there is dialog, give and take, listening, asking, and responding. In a cult setting, there's the self-anointed guru making statements to his/her/its 'followers'. He who gets the most followers wins, right? And everyone on Twitter is their own guru, collecting followers, and attempting the occasional suck-up to someone more popular.
Call me an old man, but I prefer hanging out with the locals at a real cigar shop, actually communicating with real, physically present people. Even the old-fashioned bulletin boards/discussion forums seem preferable to the "one-off statement" that passes for dialog on Twitter. But, enough about the existential complaining, and get to some Twitter-centric annoyances.
Hugh Jass Tweeting Hand |
@HughJassCynic Twitter Annoyances:
a) The only person that's glad to know you're at the baggage terminal at Reagan is the contract killer who's following your Twitter feed to get your exact location. The rest of us aren't quite so interested.
b) Please, no play-by-play of whatever you're doing at the time. Yes,
you're having a blast at Fenway; I already saw that 5 tweets ago. And,
yes, I know the Yankees STILL suck.
c) #Please #Don't #Hashtag #Every #Single #Frigging #Word #In #Your #Tweets; Leave some # for the rest of us, eh?
d) Enough with the foul language, please. I've already hidden you from my Facebook feed for your continual F*bombs, I'm also ignoring you for your linguistic deficiencies on Twitter as well.
I'm sure that if I spend enough time on Twitter, I will uncover a host of other annoyances. But these are sufficient for now. And, by all means, if my attempts to converse around your tweets offends, let me know.
And don't just follow me; challenge me, engage me.